At this moment there is no final decision on the education provided as of September 2020. Faculties and Student Affairs are working hard to ensure that teaching & learning can be done in the most meaningfull & safe way possible. The availabilty of Collegerama recordings can help in doing so.

Collegerama would like to give you as a course manager, together with your direct colleagues, the opportunity to have the lectures for period 1 (Sept-Nov) already included in the summer period. This may be due to a physical admission on campus in an empty lecture room that has been arranged by us in accordance with the guidelines of COVID-19 and TU Delft.

In addition, we also give the opportunity to self-recorded videos by means of screen capture, archive meetings (Zoom, Teams, Skype, Vitrual Classroom, ect) within Collegerama.

Archive your content

Collegerama is the online platform to archive your lectures or any other video you wish to keep. Videos on Collegerama will only be kept within servers of the TU Delft

Since students won’t be allowed to attend regular campus given lectures, we offer several options:


1) Furnished room with recording facilities with guideline Covid-19

You can make a recording request using our online request form (see website Collegerama). This concerns recordings made on campus, in a lecture hall. We can use several lecture halls with fixed recording equipment, or use with a mobile recorder (in a number of pre-furnished rooms on campus with guidelines COVID-19). It depends on your wishes regarding digital writing versus using a blackboard. Collegerama will determine in which room the recording will take place.

2) Upload your own educational video(s) to Collegerama

–      You can make your own recordings (for instance homemade lecture recording using a webcam, screen capture or smartphone) and upload these to our SURFfilesender via our website
–      You can upload an (video) animation
–      You can ask students to upload their recording (assignment/review etc) to the SURFfilesender
–      If a video conferencing tool (Teams, Skype, Virtual Classroom, Zoom, ect) with a recording function is used, it is possible to upload these recordings to Collegerama. This video can be uploaded via our website and then placed with the relevant course code.

Below a manual of the products offered by TU Delft:

o   Skype for business:

o   Zoom:

  • Virtual Classroom (YouSeeU)


Education for several universities

If lectures are given (and recorded) in Delft for several universities (4TU, LDE, etc), it is possible to offer these recordings “publicly”. This will also allow the students of the other universities to  view the recordings. Contact us and include the course code, subject name, faculty.


What are the possibilities of the NewMedia Centre (NMC) for you

Collegerama is one of the services of the NMC on campus. The NMC also offers other media production services. We offer green screen studio recordings, (2d / 3d) animations, 360º-video, infographics, web-applications, Augmented and virtual Reality.

Lab tests online available

It is possible to have a lab test/experiment recorded by our video team at the NewMedia Centre. The video of the lab test can be published on Collegerama. In order to facilitate this properly, please contact us in order to prepare and make the best recording possible.

If interested, check out our website